8 best beaches attract foreign tourists in Vietnam

Vietnam has more than 3,400 km of coastline with fine sandy beaches stretching as endless. The bays, lagoons, pebble beaches, tropical islands appear in sequence along the coastline.

Summer is coming and beach vacation is always the first choice of many tourists. Here are the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam that Lonely Planet magazine advises tourists to visit when they travel to Vietnam.

1. Nha Trang

Many domestic and foreign visitors have visited Nha Trang for many years. Nha Trang is considered as the most beautiful beach in Vietnam with blue sea and an endless stretch of white-sand. Especially, the offshore island is a quiet haven for tourists to visit and enjoy a day of sun, wind and waves.


2. Mui Ne

Mui Ne beach with blue sea, white sand-dunes has captivated many tourists. It is blessed for sunny and wind in four seasons, which is suitable for relaxation. Mui Ne is attractive with the specific plants of tropical land: the palm trees. Apart from the charming and romantic landscapes, Mui Ne is also suitable for water sports such as parasailing, windsurfing….

White sand-dune in Mui Ne

3. Phu Quoc

Being one of the most primitive islands in Vietnam, Phu Quoc attracts visitors with blue sea, white sand, and primeval forests. Therefore, it is considered as the most beautiful island inVietnam. Coming to Phu Quoc, you can take a visit to famous beaches such as: wonderful Long beach, romantic Ong Lang beach, or attractive Sao beach.

Sao Beach

4. Con Dao

The Con Dao Islands (also known as Poulo Condore) are famous for its nice beaches shaded with evergreen trees, fresh air, clear blue waters, and primitive forests. It is an archipelago of 16 beautiful islets with a total area of 76 square kilometers. Clean, smooth sand banks, blue sea, dolphins jumping and racing after boats, tropical almond trees swinging in a cool sea breeze, peaceful narrow roads, and forest covering most of the island, make Con Dao seem like heaven to visitors from far and wide.


5. My Khe

My Khe is a gorgeous beach and considered as one of the most ideal beach of Da Nang City. It has a strange attraction to any tourist coming to this city. At My Khe beach, tourists can enjoy the charming landscapes here with blue sea, smooth white sand, sea waves gently slapping the shoreline, warm seawater all year round and romantic lines of coconut trees…


6. Cua Dai

Cua Dai literally means the “big sea mouth”. Cua Dai is a beach in Quang Nam province, about 4km to the north-east of Hoi An Town Cua Dai Beach is over 3km in length and up to 300m in width. The beach boasts fine white sand, clear and blue water, moderate slopes and small waves. It is also lively with gorgeous apartment buildings, and convenient resorts. With beautiful beach and fresh air, Cua Dai will make tourists relax and comfortable.


7. Doc Let

When travel to Nha Trang, tourists who like exploring and adventuring will go to Doc Let beach. It’s about 50kms far from Nha Trang center. Unlike sunny and animated Nha Trang beach, coming to Doc Let, you will see a quiet and tranquil space, endless stretch of white sand, and hight sand dunes. Anyone who wants to go to the beach has to climb over long sand dunes. You can be very tired but full of excitement.


8. Ho Coc

Vung Tau to Phan Thiet is almost onelong beach, but much of it remains mercifully inaccessible to the masses. Ho Coc is a beautiful beach located in the middle of this journey. Located in Ba Ria – Vung Tau province, about 145kms far from the southeast of Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Coc is a complex combination of natural beaches, blue sea, white pumice hit beaches and the blue ocean.

By Mai Phuong

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