Me Tri Green Rice Flakes Festival

Special products made from green rice flakes in Hanoi, such as cake, sweetened porridge and sticky rice, will be introduced at 30 stalls at the Cultural Festival of the green rice village of Me Tri on October 6th, 2012 in Me Tri commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi.

During the festival, spectators will have a chance to enjoy special products made from green rice and to take part in traditional games. Besides, talks with green rice makers will help participants learn more about the traditional village.

Reportedly, the number of households making green rice in Me Tri village is on the decline. Therefore, the event, organised by SIFE Team from the National Economics University, will help green rice makers promote their products, as well as create an opportunity for Hanoians to learn more about the green rice making tradition in Me Tri commune.

Fair time: 9h00 – 22h00 October 6th, 2012

Location: in Me Tri commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi.

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