Top 5 Tips for a Safe Beach Holiday in Halong Bay

Halong Bay is blessed with the dramatic sand and stone area beside the sea, which is ideal for a beach holiday all time. If you are about to visit the beaches in the UNESCO site during the scorching summer, then get to know top 5 tips for the safe beach holiday in Halong Bay to remain happy and avoid the displeasure.

Beach Holiday in Halong Bay

Beach Holiday in Halong Bay

#1:  Do some exercises prior to the swimming time

It’s significant to let yourself be familiar with the water environment and the possible movements under the water before jumping into the sea. In that sense, make sure you have time for several light exercises and go a short jogging. This helps to avoid the isometric problems when you swim. However, it might turn to be not good to exercise overly. This means the vacationers in Halong Bay should gradually go down into the water. Swiftly jumping into the sea without the prior exercises is not recommended at all.

#2: Do not sunbath overly

The scorching sun can even burn your skin and ruin your health when you sunbath too long in the Halong Bay beaches. In the extreme cases, the excessive sunbathing before swimming can drive you to catch a sudden cold. So, make it reasonable.

#3: Do not swim with the empty stomach

Please treat yourself kindly with the happy and full stomach before you enjoying any aquatic activity in the beaches. Swimming with the hungry stomach has the high risk of exhaustion. Why don’t you enjoy the appetizing Halong Bay food such as squid sausage or even some cookies before dipping into the sea? The pleasurable effects reduce much due to the unhappy stomach. Also, eating something after swimming is the good way to refill the energy.

#4: Think twice when you swim too far away from the shore

The further you are away from the shore, the bigger sea waves that you face to. Therefore, it’s not advised to go too far from the safe areas. Always keep eyes on the shore behind your back so that you know the destination to reach. The first-time swimming should not longer than 15 minutes. Watch out the warning signs of the deep areas to avoid. Especially on the days with the huge and strong sea waves, do not take a risk by all means. There are several signs of Nature that you need to know such as the unusual tranquility of the beach, the water flow withdrawing far, and the bird flocks flying wildly in the sky. If you notice these abnormal signs, then swim back to the shore instantly and shelter in the place with the high elevation.

#5: Swim in the safe areas with people around

You might prefer the complete privacy on the beaches, but sometimes it’s good to have the companions around. In case of help, the others will come to aid you. So, besides taking notice of the safety signposts, don’t treat yourself alone in the beach if you are not sure about the safety. Anyhow, the top beaches in Halong Bay such as Ngoc Vung Beach, Quan Lan Beach, Minh Chau Beach, and Bai Chay Beach are all guarded and include no risk most of the time.

Without a doubt, the natural sites of the sand, ocean, and sea are all worth cherishing. The spectacle is so imposing that can feast the eyes fully. The moments when you get immersed into the blue sky, white sand, emerald water, and beautiful sunlight, all worries are dissolved. So, travel to Halong Bay, the “Bay of Descending Dragon,” One of the Seven New Wonders of the World, and the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. The legendary Bay is worth all the amazing titles.

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