Visit Halong Bay Floating Villages to Experience Fisherman Daily Life

Together with the beautiful body of water, Halong Bay floating villages are the great attractions that appeal to beachgoers and vacationers. As long as you value Vietnamese traditional fishing culture, the spectacular scenery around the village, and the friendly villagers, the visit to these floating sites is highly enjoyable. Here are the top fishing sites to discover.

Cua Van Floating Fishing Village in Halong Bay

Situated between Halong Bay and Lan Ha Bay, Cua Van fishing village is encompassed by captivating limestone cliffs which ensure the happy sightseeing. Besides, the cultural experiences in the village are memorable that you can see how the fishermen catch the fish by using fishnets and get to know their fishing livelihood. As the largest fishing village in Halong Bay, Cua Van is also famous for its pristine and placid atmosphere, plus the calm water. During the visit, you’re likely to meet children of 5-6 years who are even able to row a boat.

Oftentimes, one of the best activities in Cua Van floating village is to enjoy sightseeing emerald sea, forested islands or limestone islets, and the brightly-colored floating houses. Next, try being a fisherman by row a bamboo boat to get around. Of course, it cannot lack the opportunities to photography, to communicate with the locals, to observe their fishing traditions, or to try catching fish or shrimp in the nests for your delicious seafood meals.

Cua Van Floating Fishing Village in Halong Bay

Cua Van Floating Fishing Village in Halong Bay

Cap La Floating Fishing Village in Bai Tu Long Bay

Nestled between Bai Tu Long Bay and Halong Bay, the little Cat La fishing village owns the pristine living conditions and pure Nature, which the locals even have to use the power generators. There are around 80 households who mainly live on fishing and aquaculture. The village attracts cruises from Bai Tu Long Bay or Halong Bay thanks to the unique serenity and living basics on the floating house which also functions as a means of transport and an income source. On this spot, urban stress has no room.

With no national power system, Cat La fishing village is an ideal shelter to escape city life or to have some moments of relaxation away from car noises or traffic jams. Friendly, pristine, and enchanting, this hidden floating hamlet is home to the friendly locals who welcome guests with a nice smile. Leaning against the forested cliffs, the floating houses are the photogenic objects to capture even from afar.

Cap La Floating Fishing Village in Bai Tu Long Bay

Cap La Floating Fishing Village in Bai Tu Long Bay

Cai Beo Floating Village in Lan Ha Bay

Around 2km from Cat Ba town, the historical Cai Beo floating village is ideal for a small boat trip for an explorative visit, which you study about the history of this age-old site and admire its beautiful landscape. The history of this village could be dated back to the time from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age. Founded in the area are many stone artifacts, pottery shards, animal remains, marine mollusk shells, etc. Until now, the locals’ major livelihoods are fishing and fish farming. You’re likely to see the large areas of fish farms which are sources for photography and of course, the fresh seafood.

The visit to Cai Beo fishing village is often covered in Lan Ha Bay Cruise from Hanoi which offers moments for travelers to explore the history of the village, gain beautiful cultural experiences, and take amazing photographs. The spacious area of hundreds of the floating villages can amaze every passenger on board, and most of you will eager to disembark, check out the fish farms, and listen to the stories about ancient fishermen who first resided and built the village.

Cai Beo Floating Village in Lan Ha Bay

Cai Beo Floating Village in Lan Ha Bay

Viet Hai Fishing Village in Cat Ba Island

Eco-biking is wonderful just in Viet Hai fishing village, one of the most famous sites in Lan Ha Bay and Cat Ba Island. The village owns off-the-beaten-track roads for cycling and trekking, as it is a part of Cat Ba National Park. It is the protected location of the village that makes it pristine, quiet, and spectacular for ecotourism. Also walled by forested mountains, the village is home to the friendly people who have a traditional lifestyle based on fishing, farming, raising animals, and alcohol making.

Around 80 households in this village also ensure the beautiful cultural experiences to guests who can observe the ancient wooden house with a thatch roof, stone mortars, water urns, and ceramic objects. The more you go cycling in the countryside roads, the more peaceful the scenes you will encounter. Besides, trekking through the jungle is a great adventure if you prefer on-foot joy. Along with that, take time watching the farmers working on rice paddies, with the water buffaloes. The peaceful lifestyle in the village is a true remedy to any exhausted soul who wants to stay away from the noisy car beeps or work deadlines. Homestay in Viet Hai is also a nice idea for days of peace, countryside biking, and culture.

Viet Hai Fishing Village in Cat Ba Island

Viet Hai Fishing Village in Cat Ba Island

Visiting Halong Bay floating villages such as Cua Van, Cap La, Cai Beo, and Viet Hai, you will be showered with opportunities to try cycling, boating, trekking, sightseeing, and exploring local culture, which is all distinctive and memorable. On any spot, the photography chances are beautifully infinite. The ancient fishing culture is a great topic to learn and valuable occasion for peace of mind if you are seeking somewhere to unwind and have fun.

The untamed beauty of Nature, the rustic lifestyle, the traditional fishing culture, and other natural highlights for sports activities make destinations of the fishing villages attractive for all holidaymakers. Meanwhile, the villages are next to other breathtaking islands, islets, or caves, which put them in the itinerary for a day tour. So if you get to Halong Bay, Bai Tu Long Bay, Lan Ha Bay, or Cat Ba Island, make sure you will visit the recommended fishing villages in the Gulf of Tonkin which move beyond ecotourism or culture, but also a different hidden world in which people live on the water and pursuit a simple yet happy life. There, you find no luxurious resorts, no expensive car beeps, or no skyscrapers; things remain peaceful, breathtaking, and friendly.

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