5 typical dishes not to be missed when traveling to Nha Trang

The beach city – Nha Trang has so much to offer to visitors. It is not only famous for the beautiful beaches, but also for many delicious and typical dishes.

1. Grilled pork roll – “Nem Nuong”

Mentioning to Nha Trang cuisines, we definitely cannot neglect grilled pork roll, also known as Ninh Hoa’s or Nha Trang’s pork roll. We can eat fermented pork roll fresh (nem chua”) or grilled (“nem nuong”). However, most of the tourists will choose “nem nuong” to enjoy in Nha Trang, and buy “nem chua” as the gifts for family at home.

Eating Ninh Hoa’s fermented pork roll, you will feel the aroma of meat, the sourness, sweetness, spiciness blended together. Grilled directly with the fire of coal brazier, grilled pork roll is served with raw herbs as well as special dipping sauce (made up in accordance to family handed-down recipes of good quality, pure fish sauce, sticky rice, potatoes, pineapple, pounded pork and shrimps).

Where to try:

Nem DANG VAN QUYEN Restaurant

Address: 16A Lan Ong , Nha Trang or 02 – 04 Phan Boi Chau – Nha Trang

2. Lac Canh’s Grilled Beef

Lac Canh’s Grilled Beef is also a specialty of Nha Trang. In culinary handbook of domestic and foreign visitors always have the address of the Lac Canh Restaurant.

The secret of making perfect grilled beef is based on the recipe of mixing beef with honey and more than ten kinds of spices. Customers are free to grill the beef on the charcoal stove and enjoy the dish in their own way. Lac Canh’s grilled beef is often eaten with some kinds of raw vegetables or you can order more bread or girdle cake.

Where to try: Lac Canh Restaurant – 44 Nguyen Binh Khiem Street, Xuong Huan, Nha Trang

3. Rice vermicelli with grilled fish and jellyfish (Bun cha ca)

This dish is original with the broth made from simmering mackerel’s and sailfish’s bones. That determines the exclusive taste of this specialty: sweet and savory. A bowl of Nha Trang’s “bun cha ca” also contained jellyfish and steamed sailfish. Nha Trang’s “bun cha ca” with ingredient from fish is suitable for those who want to diet.

Where to try: Bun ca Nam Beo – Block B2 – Phan Boi Chau – Nha Trang

4. Lang Chai’s Seafood (Fishing village’s seafood)

Being a beach city, Nha Trang’s seafood is fresh and plentiful. Tourists can enjoy seafood in the restaurants or coastal shops. However, yoy are advised to visit Lang Chai to buy fresh seafood. Fishing villagers will take you to the restaurant at sea by ferry. Customers can choose fresh seafood which is raised in cage under the sea by their own hand. After that, people will sail to nearby restaurant by ferry, where seafood will be immediately prepared and cook.

5. Can Cake (Banh Can)

Sitting around the warm fire of coal brazier, watching the cook skillfully pouring flour into moulds, and then enjoying hot Can Cake in a windy day is an unforgettable experience for anyone when in Nha Trang. Can Cake is a popular nosh in the Central and Southern regions ofVietnam.

Ingredient for Can cake includes rice flour, lard, spring onion and eggs. The cakes are sold in pair, and served with special sweet and sour dipping sauce made from Nha Trang’s famous fish sauce, and raw vegetables.

Where to try: Le Thanh Ton and Nguyen Thien Thuat Street.

By Mai Phuong

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