Unique Wild Sunflower Festival in Chu Dang Ya Volcano Vietnam November 2018

Amongst the top festivals in Vietnam November 2018, the Wild Sunflower Festival in Chu Dang Ya Extinct Volcano sounds appealing to all fans of the wild sunflowers. Officially approved since March 2018, this festival is on the way to occur in Gia Lai Province. Besides the enthralling flowers, the occasion can bring much joy to all participants via various activities. Let’s discover!

Travel to Gia Lai Provice in November to participate to Wild Sunflower Festival

Travel to Gia Lai Provice in November to participate to Wild Sunflower Festival

Wild Sunflower Festival in the Chu Dang Ya Extinct Volcano 2018

The Wild Sunflower Festival is scheduled to take place in 4 days, from 10th to 13th November 2018, in Rong House, la Gri Village, Chu Dang Ya, Gia Lai Province.  The event will cover a variety of interesting activities, aiming to boost the local natural and cultural merits as well as attracting visitors from other places. There will be competitions of brocade weaving, calligraphy, Gong performance, statue sculpturing, the making of ethnic musical instruments, etc., which will be organized well enough to stimulate the participants. These festivities reflect the symbolic culture of the local ethnic minorities that appeal to foreign guests.

From November 10th to November 13th, 2018, it is the best period when the areas of Chu Dang Ya Extinct Volcano will be carpeted with the beautiful yellow wild sunflowers. This is also the great opportunity to honor the land, the people, and the culture of the ethnic groups in the district. Getting there during the festive period, guests can expect to meet the scenic roads, incredible valleys, magnificent mountains, and impressive volcano. All are beautified by the yellow sunflowers. This is the second-to-none landscape for Nature Photography.

What’s more, this interesting Vietnam Festival November offers the display of various aesthetic pictures about the local natural landscapes, the ethnic groups, the beliefs, and the tourist attractions in the area that wow the audiences. Also, there are sections for games and sports such as tug of war, crossbow shooting, walking on stilts, and more.

And if you want the local handmade products, the available shops are there to serve. Get to buy the specialties of the land such as brocades, fried bamboo shoots, flutes, etc. Together with the iconic souvenir shops, there stand out various food carts that sell the local dishes to please the guests’ bellies. Treat your palate well with the honey wild banana, the grilled chicken, the unique sauce of the area, BBQ dishes (meat, potato, and corn), etc. More especially, the dried beef mixed with weaver ants, salt and chili is the exceptional specialty to try out.

Wild Sunflower Festival in Chu Dang Ya Volcano Vietnam November 2018

Wild Sunflower Festival in Chu Dang Ya Volcano Vietnam November 2018

Travel to Chu Dang Ya Volcano, Gia Lai

Chu Dang Ya Extinct Volcano is approximately 30km from Pleiku and 20km from the attractive Bien Ho Tourist Area. Even now, it’s possible to see the funnel-formed crater and the volcanic ash that is mixed with the red basalt soil, creating the nice scenery to capture. The destination might sound new to you and somebody, but in fact, Chu Dang Ya was ranked as No.1 in the top 10 most attractive places in Gia Lai in 2017. The extinct volcano is more famous than you might know.

Particularly from November to December, the whole area will turn to be colorful and picturesque thanks to the blooming wild sunflowers that shed light and colors. Nothing can replace the time when you can witness how the yellow wild sunflowers start blooming and beautifying the whole region, most in the sectors around the extinct volcano.

So this November 2018, what top Vietnam festival to join? Just do not skip the beautiful and cultural festival in Chu Dang Ya Extinct Volcano. Not only does the event have the yellow color of the wild sunflowers, but it also owns the exciting tones of various cultural festivities.

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