Mui Ne Beach – “the capital” of Vietnam’s resort

With the advantage of a long beach with smooth sand, blue sea and little waves and storms, Mui Ne is known as “the capital” of Vietnam’s resort and the ideal place for those who want to have a Vietnam beach vacation or honeymoon holiday. Mui Ne is a famous cape, coastal resort town in Phan Thiet – the city of Binh Thuan province. It attracts a growing number of tourists each year.

From a deserted coastline with red sand dunes like deserts far away from roads, only scattered poor fishing villages, Mui Ne today is growing with hundred of resorts on the beach as well as restaurants bars and cafes stretching over 15 kilometers. Deep-blue, transparent waters and smooth beaches are ideal for those who want to sunbathe or go swimming. One of the most impressive sights for tourists who travel to Mui Ne is the lines of green coconut trees along the curved long beach. There are immeasurably high trunks of coconut trees bending to the seashore and carve the space with a pretty image which reflects their endless vitality despite storms, rain, sun and time.

Mui Ne also includes neglected beaches with imposing scenery and clean environment such as Ong Dia Beach, Truoc Beach and Sau Beach. In the north of Mui Ne is Doi Duong Beach running 10km and sloping gently to the transparent and blue waters. In the west of Doi Duong Beach, Fairyland Hill is a gift of the heaven with particularly attractive natural beauty. Land is as red as lipstick with strange shapes.

Many tourists enjoy a trip to these surprisingly Saharan-like sand dunes located not far from Mui Ne’s important beaches. There are the two fascinating spots to visit; the white and the red sand dunes. The White Dunes are by far the larger dunes and are known by locals as Bau Trang or White Lake. Bau Trang is a fresh-water lake formed long ago and located amid the endless sand hills. It is divided into two parts by a sand hill, which are called Bau Ong (Mister Lake) and Bau Ba (Lady Lake). Bau Trang is large and is 19 metres deep at its deepest spot. Around the lake lotuses are growing. The Red Dunes, as the name suggests, features reddish-brown sand that makes them a more popular place for photography. Smaller than White Dunes, they are easier to reach.

From Phan Thiet city center, about 18 km of North East Phan Thiet, visitors will meet an extremely romantic poetic place that is Suoi Tien (Fairy Stream). One side of Suoi Tien is white and red sand mountain intermixing together, another side are rows of shading coconut palms, lines of trees with luxuriant leaves. The water stream of Suoi Tien has the red color from the sunlight and from the red sand in the bottom of the stream. Mui Ne also has many other beautiful landscapes such as Rom Islet, Ong Hoang Storey and Poshanu Cham Tower. Along beaches are tourism villages, hotels, villas and sports and entertainment places where tourists can go swimming, fishing, play golf, enjoy the view of the sunlight on sand dune or catch cuttle-fish in the sea. Moreover, when travel to Mui Ne, tourists will have a chance to visit the fishing village of Mui Ne and witness the operation of a Vietnamese original fishing village.

The average temperature in Mui Ne is 27°C, and the weather is hot and dry for most of the year. The tourist season is between December and May. Booking in advance is necessary if you would like to travel to Mui Ne in the tourist season.

The beautiful white sand beach of Mui Ne - Where you can have great swim of enjoying kite surfing

The beautiful white sand beach of Mui Ne – Where you can have great swim of enjoying kite surfing

The couple walking on Doi Hong - the Pink Sand Dune and looking at the other couple relaxing on sand

The couple walking on Doi Hong – the Pink Sand Dune and looking at the other couple relaxing on sand

 The best time to visit Doi Hong are on Sun Rise or Sun Set, when you can indulge with the beauty of the great nature here

The best time to visit Doi Hong are on Sun Rise or Sun Set, when you can indulge with the beauty

of the great nature here

Beautiful Scenery on the way from Mui Ne to Bau Trang

The photo of Bau Trang – big and amazing lake located next to the white sand dune

Traveler walking on the white sand dune of Bau Trang. Within 10 minutes, the wind will cover his food prints

and make the sand dune back to serene white color

The famous Love Tree in Bau Trang – the popular venue for photograppher to take the photo.

You can see the beautiful lake and sand dune from here

Photo taken from Suoi Tien – the Fairy Stream. This is unique stream in Vietnam with great formation

created by erosion to soft red and white stone

The panorama view of Suoi Tien from above

One of hundreds resorts in Mui Ne


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