Hanoi Traditional Craft Villages Festival in October 2013

Tradition Craft Village Festival of Hanoi and other provinces of Red River Delta 2013 (also called Traditional Craft Villages Festival 2013). The Festival will take place from 9th to 12th of October 2013 in Quan Ngua Sports Palace – Hanoi in response to the National Tourism of Red River Delta – Hai Phong 2013.

Traditional Craft Village Festival 2013 with the theme of “Red River’s Quintessential Traditional Craft Villages Festival” has the participation of over 400 stands introduce tourism programs, products, souvenirs as well as the cuisine ofHanoiand the provinces of Red River Delta. There are many activities during the festival: exhibition of tourism products from traditional craft villages; promoting craft village tours; introducing the quintessential of culinary art of Hanoi and the neighboring provinces; seminar with the topic “Current situation and measures for developing traditional tourism craft villages and craft streets of Hanoi” with the participation of scientists, managers, craftsmen, travel agents, import – export craft enterprises and some international organizations such as Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV), etc…; and many other kinds of folklore such as water puppetry, shallow puppetry, calligraphy, ceremonial singing (ca tru in Vietnamese)…

This festival is an important activity in the program of National Tourism 2013, on the occasion of the 59th anniversary of the Liberation of Hanoi capital. The festival also aims to respect, preserve and promote the traditional crafts ofHanoi and other provinces of Red River Delta.

 By Mai Phuong

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