How to Cross Road in Vietnam – Essential Principles to Remember

Crossing a road seems to be a simple thing, but it becomes not easy at all to the first-time tourists who find it necessary to know how to cross road in Vietnam. Especially in the big cities like Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi in which traffic jam is serious, to cross the road requires you to use flexibility and courage to overcome the challenging yet exciting experience. Following are some essential principles to remember if you want to be the skillful pedestrians who can cross the road in Vietnam successfully.

#1: Take advantage of the traffic lights and move quickly

In the big cities, roads are equipped with traffic lights for you to take advantage of. Wait for the stoplight and then cross the road! Remember to walk quickly and avoid chatting or using phones while you’re crossing the street in Vietnam. This is the Vietnam essential travel information because a few other drivers are likely to run through the stop sign (break the traffic law) while others toot quite noisy. These things just take place in seconds; therefore, be nimble-footed to move to the other sidewalk before the red stoplight is over.

Cross Road in Vietnam - Take advantage of the traffic lights and move quickly

Cross Road in Vietnam – Take advantage of the traffic lights and move quickly

#2: Cross the road in a natural way

Provided that you get stuck on the other sidewalk for more than 10 minutes and don’t know how to cross the full-of-vehicle street. In this case, it’s better to take your courage and step out of the sidewalk to get on the road and go straight to the other side in a natural way. The key is NOT to go hesitantly because this will cause difficulty for the other drivers to estimate your speed and avoid hitting you. But, this tip is more appropriate to the experienced travelers who have crossed the roads in Vietnam several times and knew the ways. And, for the first-time visitors who cannot move to the other sidewalk naturally, read on the next tips.

Cross the road in a natural way

Cross the road in a natural way

#3: Follow the local pedestrians to cross the road in Vietnam

In most cases, it’s easy to meet some other local pedestrians who want to cross the road like you. So, just follow them and together pass by the motorbikes and cars to reach the other sidewalk. Obviously, crossing the street in the group will help you to move quickly and safely. So, try to look for the companion to cross the road if you find it impossible to pass over the full-of-motorbike lanes by yourself. If you don’t see any other pedestrians, then be patient to wait a bit if possible.

Follow the local pedestrians to cross the road in Vietnam

Follow the local pedestrians to cross the road in Vietnam

#4: Use your hands to signal to other drivers

On the full-of-vehicle streets, even the locals need to use their hands to signal to the other drivers to let them cross roads in Vietnam. This is a common traffic signal used by lots of pedestrians who find it effective and applicable. But, meanwhile, your eyes must be active enough to be aware of the coming vehicle that is about to approach you. So, not only do the hands need to work more, but also the eyes give an important assistance.

Cross Road in Vietnam - Use your hands to signal to other drivers

Cross Road in Vietnam – Use your hands to signal to other drivers

#5: Concentrate on your task to cross the road and don’t be neglectful

You might see strange or interesting objects on the street or along the sides. However, try to ignore these distractions because it is very dangerous to bend the knees and pick those objects or stick your eyes on distractions in the busy roads. Advice is to focus on your task and be nimble-footed when crossing the roads in Vietnam. Careless brings the terrible outcome.

Don’t be neglectful while Crossing Road in Vietnam!

Don’t be neglectful while Crossing Road in Vietnam!

Don’t think that the city streets will be empty or vehicle will become immovable in seconds for you to cross over! Rather, carry out this Vietnam travel information, keep calm, and go straight to cross the roads.

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