Year of the Pig 2019 and the Zodiac to Know

Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year Festival) is the greatest event of the year that almost all Vietnamese enjoy, and this Year of the Pig 2019 promises to be full of luck and prosperity. Amongst the twelve Chinese zodiacs, the pig is an intimate animal that generations of the Vietnamese feel close to. Images of the golden lovely pigs with the chubby face, full stomach, and big ears represent affluence and wealth.

Year of the Pig 2019 and the Zodiac to Know

Year of the Pig 2019 and the Zodiac to Know

The pig – one of the friendliest and most significant animals in Vietnamese beliefs

With traditions of agriculture and animal raising, most of the Vietnamese raise pigs as their family business. A typical house in the countryside often feeds the herb of pigs in the backyard of the house. The Vietnamese Tet traditions are to catch the pig at home for the ingredients to cook the caramelized pork and eggs. Besides, pigs can be used to cook a variety of dishes by grilling, steaming, frying, etc.

Food made from pork can be the main dish for the locals’ daily meals as well as the very special occasions like wedding, birthday, anniversary, and more. More interestingly, pork is the necessary ingredient for cooking the traditional “Banh Chung” (the square steamed glutinous rice cake) that people prepare for Tet holiday. Often, dishes made from pork are offered on the ancestors’ altar on the first day of the New Year which symbolizes wishes for the fullness and wealth. Furthermore, images of the pig have long been used in Dong Ho folk paintings, denoting the fact that the pig is the good symbol in the Vietnamese beliefs.

Vietnam and Asian Countries is about welcoming the Lunar New Year of The Pig 2019

Vietnam and Asian Countries are about welcoming the Lunar New Year of The Pig 2019

Zodiac of the Pig

Individuals born in the year of the pig have the zodiac of the pig. They are believed to be kind-hearted, generous, have logical thinking, good communication, and problem-solving skills. Those with the zodiac of the pig often have a wealthy and enjoyable life. With realistic thinking, they love their lives and treat people very well that leaves a good impression on their characteristics. One con of their personality is that they are quite stubborn and materialistic. But, sometimes, the cons can bring good results that motivate them to work hard to get promotions.

In general, men with the zodiac of the pig are enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic while women are generous, open-minded, and cheerful. For love compatibility, people of the Pig zodiac are best compatible with those of the Tiger zodiac because the courageous tiger would offer the pig certainty and protection. On the other hand, the Pig zodiac is incompatible with the Snake zodiac as this relationship would be dominated by tension and anxiety.

Like many other Asian people, the Vietnamese families want to have kids in the year of the Pig that is thought to bring good luck, prosperity, and fulfillment to the parents.

Year of Pig is a good year to have children

Year of Pig is a good year to have children

2019 the Year of the Pig

This year promises wealth, success, and prosperity to many Vietnamese and especially those born in the year of the Pig. People can feel confident to welcome an advantageous time and good luck in their lives and careers. Beneficial opportunities will come that can lead to remarkable achievements. 2019 the year of the Pig will be a very good year to everybody. The “single pigs” will be able to find the compatible partners to form a happy family together.

If you do a simple Google search in Vietnam recently, it’s easy to notice that many Vietnamese couples are thinking of having a baby in 2019 – the year of the Pig (Ky Hoi). Tet holiday in Vietnam this year will be a great time for singles and couples to better up their own family. Let’s cheer to welcome the New Year of the golden pig!

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