Van Don Tours before Carnival and Peak Seasons in Halong Quang Ninh

There is a number of online visitors searching for Van Don Tours. Many of them book the trips to this beach city, prior to the festive and peak time. While Van Don is ready for the crowds of travelers during the Halong Carnival 2018 and the peak season, the time before is also exciting and dedicated to the best preparation.

Foreign Tourists at Cai Rong Port, Van Don Dist,Quang Ninh Province

Foreign Tourists at Cai Rong Port, Van Don Dist,Quang Ninh Province

Van Don – An Attractive and Popular Destination in Quang Ninh

Located on the scenic Bai Tu Long Bay, Van Don Island District is blessed with the marvelous and breathtaking sceneries, with more than 600 islands of various sizes and shapes. The destination has mountains, primitive forests, and captivating white-sand beaches. The ideal highlights include Ngoc Vung, Quan Lan, Minh Chau, Son Hao, Banh Sua Beaches, and more. The Bai Tu Long National Park is another treasure of this island district. Not only does Van Don have the gifts of beautiful nature, but it also offers the fresh air and the peaceful, intact settings. Furthermore, the place preserves some historical, cultural, and architectural relics that are all unique and valuable, namely the ancient Van Don Port, Quan Lan Temple, the Shrine for worshipping Ly Anh Tong King, Cai Bau Pagoda (Truc Lam Giac Tam Zen Monastery), Cai Bau Island, and Cap Tien Temple.

Kayaking Experience in Halong Bay

Kayaking Experience in Halong Bay

Van Don – Ready for Big Events of the Region

With the advantages of the bewitching nature, historical remnants, cultural events, and architecture, Van Don has the capacity to grow as a Special Economic Zone. In recent years, this island district has received the big investments in its infrastructure and other projects to enhance the local tourism. Notably, the Sungroup’s mega project of entertainment (including Casino), the Quang Ninh International Airport in Van Don, and the Highway Hanoi – Van Don will create the breakthroughs in the development of the economy, society, and tourism.

Especially to welcome the National Tourism Year 2018 in Halong Quang Ninh, lots of attempts have been made in Van Don, such as the increased workforces in the local hotels and restaurants, the better shuttle buses for pick-up services. Up to now, this island district owns hundreds of accommodation places with thousands of rooms. Also, the speedboats with routes to some islands have been upgraded in both quality and quantity. What’s more, there is even the publication of “Van Don Travel Handbook” that gives tourist information about this friendly island district. With the careful preparation, Van Don will meet the travelers’ satisfaction and have the fruitful tourism year 2018.

The Best to See When You Travel to Van Don

It takes around 4 hours driving from Hanoi to Van Don (220km). Upon your arrival at Cai Rong Port, carry out the itinerary which should include the following spots of interest:

  • Quan Lan Beach: Buy a boat ticket to Quan Lan from Cai Rong Port; the earliest boat will depart at 6:30 AM. This is an intact, fabulous, and serene beach. Photography in this natural site inspires you to pose and capture the majestic moments. With the white and smooth sandbank and the blue seawater, simple sightseeing in Quan Lan is the perfect pastime. April, May, June, September, and October is the most beautiful time to visit Quan Lan; July might encounter some storms.
Quan Lan White Sand Beach at Van Don, Quang Ninh Province

Quan Lan White Sand Beach at Van Don, Quang Ninh Province

  • Minh Chau Beach: As the most transparent beach in the island, Minh Chau Beach also owns the soft and white sandbank. This is a treasure of Quan Lan where to get rid of the city bustle and relax on your own. Preserved on the island is the 700-year-old Tram Forest which functions as the “green lung” of Minh Chau Village. Behind the forest is the bewitching beach to be at your ease.
  • Quan Lan Temple: Built in 1890 – 1900, this temple has gone through the ups and downs of history. Located in the center of the island, the wooden site preserves the historical and meaningful values that generations of the locals appreciate. Inside the temple are the sophisticated and skilled carvings that create the impressive architecture. The notable one is the carving of the dragons’ heads, and each head is different. Its architectural style is similar to the one of Bang Temple (Bac Ninh Province) and Tra Co (Mong Cai).
  • Cai Bau Pagoda: Built on the base of Phu Linh Tu Pagoda (in the Tran Dynasty, about 700 years ago), Cai Bau Pagoda is set apart from the residents’ areas. This helps the pagoda to be peaceful indeed. This pagoda is also called as Truc Lam Giac Tam Zen Monastery, which leans against the primitive forested mountains and faces the imposing Bai Tu Long Bay. As the site remains tranquil, away from the daily life bustle, each sound of the bell creates the fantastic echo that calms the visitors’ minds.
View from Cai Bau Pagoda over bai Tu Long Bay

View from Cai Bau Pagoda over bai Tu Long Bay

  • Ngoc Vung Island : This is a serene landmark of Nature for the refreshing beach vacation in Van Don Quang Ninh. The outstanding characteristics of this site are the enjoyable homestay experience, unspoiled beaches, Dragon’s Eye cape, Uncle Ho’s Memorial on the island, ranges of coastal casuarina forest, Phao Dai Islet, yummy fresh seafood, etc. With the freshwater sources, Van Don has the capacity to grow agriculture, making it the beautiful island and countryside in the middle of the sea. Make sure you also have time to explore the local pearl raising business! In the past, this place had lots of precious pearls that shined bright days and nights, resulting in the name of “Ngoc Vung” (pearls shining an area).
  • Ba Mun Island: This Island is set in parallel with Quan Lan Island, approximately 15km from the shore. The unique highlights of Ba Mun are the rare species of plants and the age-old trees. There are some big trees that three or four people cannot embrace enough.

Travel to Van Don Quang Ninh, the best time is the summer months when people can relax at the cool beaches and avoid the scorching heat. Together with the highlights of Nature, history, and culture, this island district owns the rich resources of the fresh seafood that ensures the happy meals and BBQ parties on the beaches. Get there to unwind!

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