Hanoi in Vietnam opens 4 Hanoi free tours

The exploration of the Hanoi old quarter – professions is one of four walking tours guided by students in the old city of Hanoi.

hanoi city tour10/10/2016, on the occasion of the opening of the Centre for information and support of tourism in 28 of Hang Dau Street, Hanoi Tourist Office and the agent Vietnam Tourism launch 4 Hanoi free tours to explore the old streets – profession in the old city of Hanoi.

This tour lasts 1 hour 30 minutes. Departure is at 9:30, 10:15, 14h, 15h and 16h from Wednesday to Sunday (except holidays). This tour crosses: Centre for information and support of tourism in 28 Hang Dau Street – Street of Hang Dao – Hang Bac Street – Street of Hang Bo – Lan Ong Street – Street of Hang Thiec – Hang Quat Street – Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square – Ba Kieu temple. These visits in the ancient city of Hanoi are guided by dynamic and well-trained students.

In addition, three other free tours will be opened in the near future. These tours include: tour to discover the history and culture of Hanoi, tour to discover the typical architecture of Hanoi, tour to discover the mixture of Western and Eastern culture in the heart of the old town. The common point of these visits is that visitors explore Hanoi by foot.

Centre for information and support of tourism offers freely to travelers: Vietnam travel guide books, maps, information about visiting points in Hanoi and in Vietnam, Hanoi tourism services like restaurants, hotels, transportation, entertainment…

The center opens every day of the week, including public holidays, New Year, between 8 am to 20h. The center’s staff uses foreign languages ​​such as English, French, Chinese, Korean … to serve travelers in Hanoi.

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