Boat trip on Red River

Boat trip on Red RiverHave you ever taken a boat trip on Red River? Yes, I did. It was really fantastic and impressive when sitting on small boat and sailing along the mother river. My trip started from the Long Bien Bridge, I did a walk along small sidewalk of the historical bridge which was bombarded by American aircrafts in 1967 and 1972. After strolling for 20 minutes, I came to the middle of the bridge and got down to the midland of Red River where a boatman welcomed me on his small fishing boat. I was very impressive with the boat because it was not only used for catching fishes but also for living. While I was sitting on boat, I saw on the bank of Red River, it looked like a contrary image between one side was a luxury city with high buildings and other side was a rural area with green allotments and banana forest. In addition, in the afternoon many boys and men went to the midland of Red river for swimming, that’s why people called it as “naked beach”. On bank of Red River, there were some temples built to dedicate gods and mother-saint. Besides, I saw some farmers working on their farm, fisher men catching fishes on Red River.

Especially, seeing sun set and Long Bien Bridge from a small boat on Red River that really brought me many interesting and impressive experiences. Before boat trip made an end, I also had a chance to visit a fishing village on Red River Wharf; it also looked similar to some floating villages on Halong Bay. Through my boatman, I was invited to pay a visit a fisherman’s family. After asking them some questions, I knew that there were 5 people living together on a small floating house and 15 households reside on the floating village. Actually, the time at the fishing village enriched my knowledge about the life of fishermen in Hanoi center.

By practical experiences, I would like to share some photos that were taken on my boat trip on Red River.

There is a sidewalk for pedestrian on Long Bien Bridge

A Slum for poor people or new immigrants in Hanoi Center

Boatman and his boat

A floating cottage on Red River

“Naked beach” on a bank of Red River

Fishing man was catching shrimps.

Plant Corns

Female shaman went into a trance

Long Bien Bridge in the late afternoon

Red River Wharf

Fishing village on Red River Wharf

Fisherman family

“By Dang Vu


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