Visit Caves In Your Phong Nha – Ke Bang Trip

Phong Nha-Ke Bang is always listed as one of the best tourist destinations in Vietnam for year-round trips. If you’re looking for an excellent spot to invest days off in, Phong Nha is highly recommended. In fact, there are many interesting caves available for you all to explore; you will never disappointed with beauty of this UNESCO World Heritage Site in Quang Binh Province, Vietnam.

Phong Nha-Ke Bang

What Caves To Visit During Your Phong Nha – Ke Bang Vacation?

In 1992, Phong Nha Cave was rewarded the title of the world as the longest river cave. Its length is estimated as 7.729km and the first 600m of the cave has been opened up for public contemplating. As this is the river cave, it is only accessible through boat.
The caverns that are open for photographing and exploring are close to the Cave’s mouth. Soon after you enter the caverns, turn right onboard and land on the dramatic spots so that you can witness their real enchantment. Since natural beauty is presented before your eyes, get chances to record its loveliness by your good camera. About 400 million years of age, Phong Nha is highlighted with some of the oldest limestone formations all over the world. Inspiration is ignited when water drops slowly via limestone to create visible light everywhere. There are many mysterious stalactites, stalagmites, and base formations displayed throughout every corner of the Cave. Phong Nha is an underground wonderland indeed.
 Court Cave (Dong Cung Dinh)
So, the first cave to visit is Court Cave (Dong Cung Dinh). It has formation of royal court featured with elephants flanking the throne. Just take a bit of imagination; you can create various pictures in mind! Go further; you set foot on Angel Cavern (Dong Tien Son). It has a large grotto appearing like an angel. According to many tourists, there also exists a big stalagmite that looks fantastically like Ho Chi Minh. Do you believe in their words? Check it by yourself soon. Each of the grottos is highlighted with colorful lights and there is a nice set of stairways and walkways that facilitate your Phong Nha Trip. Besides, there stands Paradise Cave (Dong Thien Duong) that is voted as “the largest and most beautiful caves in Phong Nha-Ke Bang area”.
In dry seasons, it’s possible to enjoy the boat and proceed further into the caverns to discover the Stele grotto where you find many visible Cham characters inscribed on walls meaning that they were here before the French. Unfavorably, some of the stalagmites and steles were blackened due to fire smoke. The reason was this cave used to be a hospital in war with America. In case of rainy season, the high water can’t reach further into the cave. Luckily, the Court and Angel grottos are still valid to visit.
There are tour packages aplenty for all of you. From the river in Phong Nha town, easily enjoy the boat trip to settle in many caves available there. Since many of the boat tours are operated by Government, feel safe to follow the boatmen’s instructions. The guides are friendly and knowledgeable; so if you intend to tip them during your Phong Nha Trip, please tip them to show your compassion.
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